Roy Hibbert: How do you feel about his season?

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  • Trader Joe
    • Jan 2006
    • 46862

    Roy Hibbert: How do you feel about his season?

    Simple question.
    I'm very happy with Roy's play this year
    I'm happy with Roy's play this year
    Roy's play has neither disappointed nor inspired me
    I'm disappointed with Roy's play this year
    I'm very disappointed with Roy's play this year
    At times very happy but others maddening (sobleski)
    We should look at trading him (Thingfish)

  • BRushWithDeath
    Play McRoberts and Price!
    • Dec 2008
    • 5911

    Re: Roy Hibbert: How do you feel about his season?

    Staggering disappointment.
    "I had to take her down like Chris Brown."

    -Lance Stephenson


    • Trader Joe
      DIET COKE!
      • Jan 2006
      • 46862

      Re: Roy Hibbert: How do you feel about his season?

      I'm also trying to get this to stand on it's own from all the great press we heard about his offseason because honestly, we heard the same thing every year about Jermaine O'Neal and Jamaal Tinsley too. Judge it ONLY on his regular season play. Which IMO has been completely uninspiring since November.
      Last edited by Trader Joe; 03-10-2011, 01:48 PM.


      • BillS
        Angry Old Poster
        • Mar 2004
        • 21636

        Re: Roy Hibbert: How do you feel about his season?

        I'm not sure why you'd post these at the low point, like this last series of games defines the season. Doesn't seem fair to either Roy or Danny to me.

        A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
        Or throw in a first-round pick and flip it for a max-level point guard...


        • The Rocker
          • Oct 2010
          • 111

          Re: Roy Hibbert: How do you feel about his season?

          i am happy at the given stage of career


          • Trader Joe
            DIET COKE!
            • Jan 2006
            • 46862

            Re: Roy Hibbert: How do you feel about his season?

            Originally posted by BillS
            I'm not sure why you'd post these at the low point, like this last series of games defines the season. Doesn't seem fair to either Roy or Danny to me.
            I would hope people could view the entire scope of their season. I also posted one for Darren. They are the three temp points for the team as they are the 3 guys who have started the entire year.


            • Sollozzo
              • Jan 2004
              • 27343

              Re: Roy Hibbert: How do you feel about his season?

              He has some nice post moves and is talented, but he's just so mentally weak and physically weak too for that matter. He's just so easily pushed around by bigger and stronger players, which happens to be quite a few guys.

              I'm just kind of "meh" on him for this season. But it's still only his third season and being a good consistent big man in the NBA is something that takes lots of time. With another summer of hard work (and hopefully a lot of eating), I think he'll be alright for next year. Ultimately, I'm still excited to see where his career goes.


              • TinManJoshua
                • May 2010
                • 1796

                Re: Roy Hibbert: How do you feel about his season?

                I don't consider it a disappointment. He's had a very up-and-down season. Certainly not what I hoped for either. But hopes and expectations are two very different things.


                • idioteque
                  • May 2006
                  • 11432

                  Re: Roy Hibbert: How do you feel about his season?

                  Roy is so unpredictable. If we're lucky he'll have a Smits like career for us, but that's far from guaranteed at this point. Like another poster said, he's both a physical and mental weakling right now. He needs to develop a mean streak while at the same time finding a way to relax a little bit and not take every play of every game so personally. Maybe a pep talk or two from Dale Davis is in order.


                  • Speed
                    • Jan 2006
                    • 9274

                    Re: Roy Hibbert: How do you feel about his season?

                    I changed my vote (great feature btw) to I'm happy with him. I had to remember where he was last season to put some perspective on it. He's much much better defensively and doesn't get in foul trouble every game, now. Its been an up and down season, but he's shown much improvement if you use last year as the bench mark, I think.


                    • flox
                      Junior Member
                      • Dec 2007
                      • 2426

                      Re: Roy Hibbert: How do you feel about his season?

                      Part of me is just disappointed with the way Roy acts. The way he took potshots at O'Brien and his general attitude and panic-ness has turned me off from him this season, and I was already evaluating him at a very low point- I was taking a lot of heat earlier for saying how bad I thought Roy was.

                      For me, this season proves that he cannot be a focal point of the offense. You cannot get away with feeding him the ball and then expect him to score- and I don't think you can run an offense through him.

                      His hook shot is money and when he gets decent position, its usually all over. But the thing is, he doesn't really get decent position.

                      As of right now I have him as a starter in this league, but not a good one and not someone you really play off of, but rather someone you can give the ball to from time to time to score, and can maybe ride if there is a good matchup

                      With that said, I think his general demeanor, his general play this season, has been nothing short of disappointing.


                      • Since86
                        • Dec 2004
                        • 27846

                        Re: Roy Hibbert: How do you feel about his season?

                        You can talk about his lack of lower body strength, but IMHO it falls between his ears.

                        His schtick is wearing me thin. I said it a few months ago, and I was in the minority, but I hate this "look at me, look at me" bullcrap he pulls. The finger wagging, and especially him doing pushups after being fouled against the 76ers.

                        Acting like a fool doesn't create confidence. In fact, most of the time the people who go over-the-top usually have confidence problems, and they try to make it seem otherwise.

                        If he wants to get things corrected, he needs to stop with the act and start understanding what is going on, on the floor. He looks clueless when he gets the ball, and that is never a good thing.

                        He's got to know what he's going to do with the ball when he gets it. He needs to be aware of where the double team is going to come from, before it comes. He's got to be ready with his post move before he receives the ball.
                        Just because you're offended, doesn't mean you're right.” ― Ricky Gervais.


                        • Midcoasted
                          • Jan 2008
                          • 1415

                          Re: Roy Hibbert: How do you feel about his season?

                          We may have the worse perimeter defense at stopping penetration I have ever seen. Hibbert has had a good defensive year and only struggles when our wings can't gaurd a fly, which seems to be every game. On the offensive end of the ball, we don't have a single perimeter player that can collapse the opposing team's defense so our guys can get wide open dunks and layups. This leads to our guys getting trapped in isolation plays and getting a turnover.

                          It's right there for everyone to see. The problem in our game is the inability to gaurd perimeter penetration or get it for ourselves. Whether it is the system, or the players on the court, something needs to change before this thing gets really bad. I mean we lose every game the rest of the season bad.

                          Foster and Dunleavy being hurt don't help, but out problems lie deeper than that. Other teams have figured us out and the smashmouth video must be being player to the other teams because we are the ones getting our mouths smashed.

                          I never though I'd say this but TJ Ford may be the only person on this team that can get penetration with the ball at decent clip without a turnover every posession. Sure he turns it over, but not as bad as Price or Collison lately. He also is probably a better defender than both of them at this point due to being a vet and his quickness. We have never seen him under Vogel. Is it time for TJ to get his final shot? I'm starting a thread....


                          • BillS
                            Angry Old Poster
                            • Mar 2004
                            • 21636

                            Re: Roy Hibbert: How do you feel about his season?

                            Originally posted by Since86
                            He's got to know what he's going to do with the ball when he gets it. He needs to be aware of where the double team is going to come from, before it comes. He's got to be ready with his post move before he receives the ball.

                            A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
                            Or throw in a first-round pick and flip it for a max-level point guard...


                            • BillS
                              Angry Old Poster
                              • Mar 2004
                              • 21636

                              Re: Roy Hibbert: How do you feel about his season?

                              Originally posted by Midcoasted
                              It's right there for everyone to see. The problem in our game is the inability to gaurd perimeter penetration or get it for ourselves. Whether it is the system, or the players on the court, something needs to change before this thing gets really bad. I mean we lose every game the rest of the season bad.
                              I'd have to say that this isn't the cause of constantly shooting in the 30% range. Defense can only help so much.

                              A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
                              Or throw in a first-round pick and flip it for a max-level point guard...

