if I'm not that big guy, I think they should go get him and let me go somewhere else.

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  • Naptown_Seth
    Re: if I'm not that big guy, I think they should go get him and let me go somewhere else.

    PacerTom, as one of the resident Rick defenders let me point out one thing. Rick's rosters, including Detroit, have typically spread minutes out far more than the NBA norm. Guys do get chances, as we are pointing out with David right here.

    Even the famous Tins doghouse start saw Rick keep him in once he got the chance and did well. Everyone says "well Brown played him when Rick was booted". Fine, but then Rick came back and Tinsley stayed in as the starter the rest of the year...even when Anderson was healthy again.

    Shawne, Danny and David all saw spurts of minutes, would struggle, would lose minutes, then a few weeks later he'd test the water on them again.

    Rick may have put up with bad BEHAVIOR, but clearly he did not take it to the point of letting worse players in the game. Jackson for all his acting up was just an overall better option. IMO that's exactly why Rick did coddle him as a problem child otherwise and let him rant at him.

    The problem there is that Jack was their best SG option, not that Rick played him.

    So if players think that now they are going to get a fair chance, I call BS on that. Maybe bad behavior will get shut down and Tinsley coming late to practice will get him benched, but otherwise nobody is going to see more PT from JOB than they did with Rick.

    Pretty sure JOB actually has a history of focusing his PT around star players and that JO/Tins will likely see high points in MPG under him, rather than this rotation of "now let's see what you can do" competition for PT.

    About 2 weeks into camp it's going to be pretty clear where the talent on this roster is at, and considering the painful lack of starter-quality depth I doubt we are going to see a masssively open rotation.

    If David wants PT he better get his defensive footwork down tight, never set a moving screen, and maybe learn to hit a 3 every once in awhile. There is no way JOB gives him more PT chances than Rick did, barring injury. Remember that Rick had given rookie David decent minutes BEFORE the brawl even.

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  • Naptown_Seth
    Re: if I'm not that big guy, I think they should go get him and let me go somewhere else.

    Originally posted by Putnam
    He was often taken out of the game with two fouls, when the rules say a player can continue until he gets six fouls. The coach wasn't holding him in reserve or some special purpose. the coach was sitting him because he didn't play well.
    Exactly. It's not like fouls are just independent of the game, just things that keep you from playing.

    Gee David, maybe Rick didn't want the team to set an NBA record for getting into the penalty, maybe he didn't want the other team to be shooting FTs for 10 straight minutes, or to get 40 FTAs in a game.

    He wasn't protecting YOU, he was protecting the Pacers foul position. Not to mention the defense since the fouls were often your options on bad footwork (or just stupid reach-ins) and the LOST POSSESSIONS on your offensive fouls.

    "This is year four of, 'We need a big guy,' " Harrison said Tuesday at the annual Pacers Foundation, Inc., golf outing at Brickyard Crossing. "My mentality going into camp is if I'm not that big guy, I think they should go get him and let me go somewhere else.
    Welcome to the party pal.

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  • Slick Pinkham
    Re: if I'm not that big guy, I think they should go get him and let me go somewhere else.

    I will be pleasantly stunned if he proves to be a capable 9th/10th/11th man. That should be his first goal, to try to earn a spot maybe just below the regular rotation, but getting solid minutes when JO or Murph is banged up, and also playing lots of 4th quarter minutes in blowouts. If he can handle that, then maybe he can earn a little more trust.

    One on the things that I am encouraged by with Obie, and maybe it's just because I believe some of the Star puff pieces, but he seems to be a coach with a strong philosophy that playing time has to be EARNED and that competition is not a bad thing. Also lazy defense will not be tolerated, and DH's well-chronicled tendency to get into foul trouble has EVERYTHING to do with being lazy on defense.

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  • Unclebuck
    Re: if I'm not that big guy, I think they should go get him and let me go somewhere else.

    Originally posted by Oneal07
    The only thing I really remember about Harrison was when he knocked down Eddie House!! House went flying into the camera men and the New Jersey bench wanted for gang beatup Harrison!! House ended up being injured for the rest of the regular season
    I don't remember that. But I do remember many times being embarrassed by harrison's actions on the court and I do remember yelling at the coaches to get him off the floor, which they usually did

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  • Oneal07
    Re: if I'm not that big guy, I think they should go get him and let me go somewhere else.

    The only thing I really remember about Harrison was when he knocked down Eddie House!! House went flying into the camera men and the New Jersey bench wanted for gang beatup Harrison!! House ended up being injured for the rest of the regular season

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  • McKeyFan
    Re: if I'm not that big guy, I think they should go get him and let me go somewhere else.

    Harrison maturity = O.J.

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  • Major Cold
    Re: if I'm not that big guy, I think they should go get him and let me go somewhere else.

    This is a big year for a lot of Pacer players.

    Diogu- He has two more years until a team option comes up. If he plays well and finds a role look for him to get an extension next year. If he plays well and does not find a role look for him to be traded.

    Foster- two years left with the last one being a player option (meaning after this season he can opt out). If he plays well we better trade him. But like many I think that his minutes will not come in bunches. He will be a good expiring contract to trade after this season.

    Graham- This years Rawle? Hopefully injuries will keep him on the inactive list.

    Granger-three years left with a team option and then a restricted FA. Needs to play for an extension. Being the second option will ensure that extension. JO being traded will give him the chance to shine as well.

    Harrison- two years left on his contract. If he provides a contribution then he is tradeable. If he explodes look for him to ask for an extension.

    JO- getting paid as a high franchise player who is not producing what he is getting paid. I can see him opting out if Bird voices similar frustrations about JO's qualities.

    Owens- Greene anyone? I don't see him making a difference, but I hope I am wrong.

    Rush- If anyone needs a big year its Rush. If he is solid look for him to get a long contract by someone. A bad season and it is a sad story indeed

    Williams- He has team options after next season and on. If he begins to slip hard and fast look for the players to cut him loose Eddie Griffin style. If he produces then all is well

    I might be wrong but I think that the above players have something to prove to us the fans, the coaching staff, managment, and themselves.

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  • tmhorn15
    Re: if I'm not that big guy, I think they should go get him and let me go somewhere else.

    I think that Rick had his favorites and some of the other players began to believe that no matter what they did, good or bad, it wasn't going to make a difference. David did come into camp in good shape, but he also hurt his shoulder. Hopefully JOB will be able to help his maturity. If he played with better control, he may not injure himself so frequently.

    Also, does it seem that management and coaching staffs throughout the NBA are afraid to take the time to teach and help players mature because they don't want to appear to be coddling the players? There were so many young players coming into the NBA in the last decade without a lot of college, or any college, experience that the league seemed obsessed with making sure that they payed their dues and didn't get any special treatment that could be construed as trying to make up for inmaturity due to coming into the league too soon.

    I'm hoping that JOB does everything a coach should be doing for the players without worrying about how everyone else defines his style.

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  • Evan_The_Dude
    Re: if I'm not that big guy, I think they should go get him and let me go somewhere else.

    Silly David. Hasn't he learned that the best way out of Indy is to break the law in some capacity and make the fans hate you?

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  • Shade
    Re: if I'm not that big guy, I think they should go get him and let me go somewhere else.

    Originally posted by Unclebuck
    I like O'Brien's approach, "if he deserves to be on the court, then he'll be on the court".

    Meaning he won't play any

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  • ABADays
    Re: if I'm not that big guy, I think they should go get him and let me go somewhere else.

    With a new coach who knows what will happen. O'Brien's comment, however, seemed one of disinterest. At this point I'm for anyone who can, might, possibly elevate the team

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  • Speed
    Re: if I'm not that big guy, I think they should go get him and let me go somewhere else.

    Originally posted by JayRedd
    To the waiver wire?
    Well typically they do it AFTER the trade where it will come out that the player wanted to be traded. I was thinking like Antonio Davis, but maybe doing it on the front end. Another Example, Al being traded away the first time because Al wanted to start and Bird said almost verbitum well he wasn't gonna start in front of Ron and JO.

    I completely throwing darts in the dark here, but there is a history of them kinda covering themselves/distancing themselves from responsibility on trades. So if Harrison leaves and blows up (in a good way) they could say well he wanted to be traded its not totally our fault.

    Also, I was wondering does Atlanta have sign and trade rights to the Euro that was the Pacers had interest in?
    Last edited by Speed; 09-26-2007, 03:58 PM.

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  • grace
    Re: if I'm not that big guy, I think they should go get him and let me go somewhere else.

    Originally posted by intridcold
    for what?

    Another worthless Euro who won't see the court
    I'm sure that's what Larry is looking for.

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  • grace
    Re: if I'm not that big guy, I think they should go get him and let me go somewhere else.

    Originally posted by Kegboy
    Did anybody else see the thread title and think it was JO speaking?
    First I thought it was O'Brien, then I thought it was JO. I'm shocked I didn't think it was Larry.

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  • JayRedd
    Re: if I'm not that big guy, I think they should go get him and let me go somewhere else.

    Originally posted by Speed
    Wonder if this all is being put out there because they ARE getting ready to move him.
    To the waiver wire?

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